Legends of the Autobahn 2017
Performance Technic
To continue our coverage of Monterey Car Week events, we attended Legends of the Autobahn to catch up with fellow enthusiasts. The turnout was great (as it is every year), especially on the 2002 front. There was also a great group of E9s, as well as an unexpected number of E30 M3s.
Many of the attendees you may recognize from local shows like the Bay Area 02 Show & Swap Meet. We always enjoy seeing both familiar and new faces, and it's fun to watch how the cars evolve over the years. With the market values of these classics constantly changing, and lately growing very steadily, it will be interesting to see what future events hold. Below are the photos we shot throughout the morning, featuring some of our favorite cars on display. If you attended Legends this year, let us know if you had a favorite in the comments below.